June 05, 2007

Time for a book.

One thing I had time and a place for was reading. And one book I´ve been looking forward to for a long time, finally released yesterday.

Faszination Bollywood - Zahlen, Fakten und Hintergründe zum "Trend" im deutschsprachigen Raum which means nothing more then Fascination Bollywood - Numbers, Facts and Background about the "Trend" in the German -speaking part of Europe.

So if your´re interested in the fact behind the circulation of Bollywood Films and its by-products in one of Europes biggest cinema markets, then brush up your German and get Birgit Pestal´ s book. If you missed your German lessons in school and happen to be located in India. Contact her. She´s on vacation, roaming India for at least the next few months.

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