November 28, 2007

Jaan-E-Mann. Quite late. I know.

I´m cleaning up my drafts list once again, and found a post that I started writing over 6 months ago. I guess that everybody has seen J-e-M by now, but if you resisted so far, maybe this piece can convince you to finally give it a chance.

When I was a little kid, my favorite picture books where books of the kind like the "Where´s Waldo?" series. I could sit for hours and look at one page and still find some new details and invent stories about the drawn characters.

Jaan-E-Mann is the grown up, moving pictures version of a "Where´s Waldo" book. The first time I watched the movie was last year´s Diwali and I liked it somehow but could not quite make up my mind about it. I decided to wait for the DVD release and give it another go. And I was right. Jaan-E-Mann is a movie that needs to be watched at least a second time. Every time I watched it since I found some new totally crazy details.

Sirish Kunder doesn´t offer a very new or exciting story. Sirf woh purani kahani about ek ladki aur do ladke. Here boy no.1 is Suuuperstar Salman Khan, the ex-husband of former college beauty Preity Zinta. Since the Suuuperstar thingy does not quite work the way he planned it, he has trouble coming up with the alimony Preity´s lawyer demand.

Luckly former college geek now astronaut Ahkhay Kumar shows up on the search for his college dream girl Preity and Salman and his chachu Anupam Kher come up with the idea of marrying off Akshay to Preity to get rid of the alimony demands. Kahani khatm? Naah, there´s a bit more. Former geek still has a problem with "tha´ ladies" so Suuuperstar and Chachu decide to send Salman along with Geek to New York to play a little "Cyrano" and make sure the fixing up works out. So far - so hilarious and there are, from a totally girly point of view, I have to confess, pretty convincing moves our man Salman comes up with.

The bad thing about Jaan-E-Mann: You clearly see that this is the director´s debut movie. He goes overboard on style-over-substance at times. He doesn´t manage a narration that is fluid throughout the film. After a totally hyper first half, the more conventional narrational path he takes in the second part feels almost a bit slow.

The good thing about Jaan-E-Mann: It´s the directors debut movie. He goes overboard with some of his ideas, visuals and his editing. He actually caters a devil may care attitude about many of his visual ideas, especially in the first half, that one seldom finds with more experienced directors. And that is what I loved about Jaan-E-Mann.

Oh and after watching OSO I can now clearly state that Farah and Sirish are a match made in heaven. May their combined insanity live long and prosper.


Anonymous said...

I really do love "Jaan-E-Mann". Why cant Shirish and Farah direct a movie together? That would be brilliant. "OSO" and "Jaan-E-Mann" - just imagine. ;)
I totally agree to you - this movie you have to look twice. Or even more times. Not perfect, but absolutely entertaining. :)

Anonymous said...

I saw it, becouse of Preity :)

But I'm dissapointed on this film.

But I love two songs: Humko Maloom Hai and Ajnabi Shehar :)

Silent Melody said...

Hey Babasko, I loved this movie. But I have seen it just once. Maybe I will watch it again..The first half was pretty funny but the movie was in a drag in the last one hour..

And if you do not mind a hindi lesson, it is "Purani Kahani" not "Purana Kahani"..As you must be aware that everything in hindi has a gender , and "Kahani" is female and hence "purani" not "purana"...

babasko said...

oh. yes. of course. purani kahani. thank you. i actually should have know this.
*scuffles away to fix it*

i really need start to work on my hindi. so far all i use is what i learned while watching movies.
*starts digging for her "teach yourself hindi" books are*

Anonymous said...

dude, are u like really alone, or maybe u r like mr. bean, who behaves that teddy is another person

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Anonymous said...

Oh and after watching OSO I can now clearly state that Farah and Sirish are a match made in heaven.

Genau das habe ich neulich gedacht, nachdem ich OSO sah. Btw: Happy New Year :D

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