Sillunu Oru Kaadhal - while my heart gently weeps
Birgit has left me. This morning she boarded the plane that will take her to Goa, the starting point for her 6 months long India visit. Only yesterday we had a fantastic funny evening with two more superwow women, Sophia and Aradhana, coming up with the craziest ideas but today I´m just sad.
So it is quite clear that I needed a movie for the heart. And none of the 2006 Hindi releases I watched, made my heart ache the way Surya did in Sillunu Oru Kaadhal. I´m a sucker for getting sucker-punched from a movie. It´s an addiction, and as addictions go you need more, you grow resistant. So it has been a while that I felt that.
Six years ago Kundhari (Jyothika) agreed to an arranged marriage in spite of her girly dreams of a love match. And, as it can be seen in the really fun shaadi song, the groom isn´t to keen about the whole thing as well.
But now, six years later, we meet a very happy family. Gowtham (Surya) works as head mechanic for Suzuki in Mumbai. Kundhari has a great job too, there is a sweet, sassy daugther. And lots of love.
Then one day the big shocker. Gowtham is away on a business trip and while looking thru his stuff on the search for a biology project for her daughter (I always said those things were no good) Kundhari stumbles over an old diary of his. And has to find out that Gowtham has a past. In college he, being the local rowdie, fell in love with the daughter (Bhoomika) of an MP. And after a rocky start love became the real thing and plans of elopement were layouted.
Kundhari is devastated and takes a bold decision....
Oh what didn´t I cry. Though I´m not even sure why. It is not a great-great film. The story only works in parts. But still.
Bits of trivia:
- Sillunu Oru Kaadhal was Jyothika and Surya´s last film together before they got married. It flopped.
- The great "New York Nagaram" song is sung by A.R.Rahman himself and in the video Luzerne, Switzerland pretends to be NYC (And I´m actually thankful for it as I´m a very much ootyfied by the NYC overdose the Hindi filmmakers exposed myself to in the last year)

- The comments on Maria´s review of "Boys" turned into a discussion between Michael, her and others about the hotness factor of certain Southindian actors. Sorry, but I still say Suriya wins hands down. With or without beard. Evidence? There you go: 1 2 3 4 5. ´Nuff said.
PS: 24/03/07 Short update. Birgit just mailed. Sab teek hai. Goa bilkul accha hai.
awesome post!
i just miss you.
Those are some hot pictures at the end of the post :D
6 months of India (or 6 months of travel no matter where, really) ohh wow!
sillunu oru a wonderful movie...... ! i want to see more movies from surya and bhoomika.....and day songs in it! it was just simply amazing!
I was on rediff today----when I saw this.I have to say ---I'm quite astonished actually.He was nowhere near as ripped as this before ----it's about time Tamil actors started getting with the program(i.e fitness not steroid!)-----
wow that is one hell of a six-to-eight-to-whatever pack. in fact. dont you think its a bit to much?
happy to find your blog. I don't know if you still update but hope you're well. :D
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