June 09, 2006

Meri Aan - Urghh, run as fast as you can!

Police are not the public´s enemy (I´m with you there), if they shoot in riots it is to end the riots and terrorism (still there), when they shoot to control the situation they do not see whom the bullet has hit (what?!), whether a hindu is being hit or a muslim, a sikh or a christian. Whether an innocent (!?!) is being hit or a criminal. The police has to shoot (ahem, no!?)....

This crap is supposed to stop the villain who lost his wife and child in a riot from killing the good policewalas daughter. Its the climax speech of the worst movie I ever saw. And I dont mean worst as in trashy, I mean worst as in the biggest pile of garbage ever to be played on my DVD player. Not even Sanjays guest apperance with his sexy long hair can lift this rubbish an inch from the dump. Bilkul bakvas hai. To quote totally basmatic: Avoid yaar!!


Beth Loves Bollywood said...

Just as nothing is a higher compliment than "superwow," nothing will send me running faster than a well-placed "avoid yaar." Your work here is done! :)

Maja said...

*starts a list of movies to avoid*